Are you someone who finds it difficult to switch off at night? Maybe you toss and turn, have intrusive thoughts or maybe you just don’t have enough time to get an adequate amount of sleep? Float Therapy is about to become your best friend. 
 So how does Float Therapy provide you the best nights sleep you’ll ever have? With the perfect combination of relaxation and recovery, Float Therapy will leave you feeling better than when you came in! 

What is it?

Float Therapy also known as Sensory Deprivation Therapy, is the perfect combination of relaxation and recovery. Imagine you’re floating without any effort. Free yourself from stress, tension and pain in our open float room. A dark, soundproof room with a knee-deep pool with 450kgs of Epsom Salts, you’ll be sure to escape into deep relaxation.

How does it help with my sleep?

Your entire body including your joint, bones and muscles are given a break when floating as gravity isn't an issue. Research shows, 1 hours worth of sleep in a float therapy session, can be equivalent to 4-6 hours of uninterrupted deep sleep! Basically, its like pausing time for you to catch up on overdue sleep! Floatation therapy can help you to facilitate inner thoughts, and even bring on a calm that is natural that has you rising every morning with more energy and a better night’s rest than you’ve ever had before.  The levels of magnesium salt in the tank help to regulate your body's stress hormone and also triggers the release of endorphins. It provides an environment that helps the nervous system take a break from the outside exposure to daily stresses.  When practising float therapy, we are shutting off the outside world. The space provides you with an environment that helps the nervous system take a break from the outside exposure to daily stresses.

 Added Benefits

On top of that, this type of relaxation can assist in suppressing appetites that are out of hand, anxiety attacks, severe depression and can shift your overall mood to be more positive!

Are you ready to have your best sleep yet? Book in your float therapy session here if you haven't already!

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